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    • Kitchen


      Cahills Kitchens & Bedrooms is being challenged to offer our customers a comprehensive set of services when it comes to ordering a kitchen from us. Whether you are looking for simple cooking space that utilizes smallest space or resources to the best possible standard, or a fully tailored, handmade kitchen; our team of skilled craftsman can help you with all aspects of design and project development to ensure you get the best possible solution for you at a competitive price.

      Our services are accessible for both the housing and business sector. Carpentry has a wealth of skill in crafting professional large working kitchens for the commercial sector.

      For typical kitchens we can offer a free consultation. Ahead of carrying out works, we can provide you with computer illustrated drawings (CAD) of how your kitchen will look upon completion.

      For conventional built-in kitchens, we can provide a complete and thorough approach throughout the project along with CAD of your kitchen.

      We can also provide all garnishes including, fridge freezers, microwaves and cookers.